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Important Back to School Information

Welcome to the 2021-22 School Year!

Some important information you can use before the first day of school this Wednesday, September 1st.

Students will enter the building in the morning either through the entrance where our busses drop off, or at the main entrance. Students will not have to complete a Skyward wellness check, nor will we be taking the temperature of any student unless they relay to us they are not feeling well or it is obvious from their behavior that they are ill. After students enter the building they can receive a school provided breakfast and eat in the commons at a table. If a student is not eating breakfast, they will be asked to move to their first class of the day. If students would like to talk to friends prior to the start of the day, they should remain outside in our courtyard area and stay safely distanced until the first bell rings at 7:30. We will be installing a covered area over the courtyard soon, before our fall and winter rainy season begins.

New Daily Schedule

Due to distancing requirements and space constraints, we will only be offering breakfast for students in the morning before school starts. Breakfast will be served between 7:15 and 7:30. We will no longer have a 10 minute break at the end of first period on Monday or after Advisory on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Again, students who wish to eat a school provided breakfast will need to be at school between 7:15 and 7:30. Our new schedule is as follows.


Face Coverings:

  • Cloth face coverings (Masks) are required for all school personnel, students, and visitors when indoors.

  • Cloth face coverings (Masks) are encouraged, but not required for all school personnel, students, and visitors when outdoors.

  • Cloth face coverings (Masks) are required for all school personnel, students and visitors when riding any public transportation such as school district busses or vans.

Physical Distancing:

  • Physical distancing of three (3) feet will be attempted between students in classroom settings to the degree possible and reasonable that allows for full time, in person learning for all students. To allow for full time, in person learning many classrooms will use strategies such as masking, ventilation and cleaning when it is not possible to achieve full physical distancing within a classroom environment.

  • Physical distancing of six (6) feet will be attempted between students and school personnel when in common areas to the degree possible and reasonable that allows for full time, in person learning for all students. Traffic patterns will be established allowing for one way movement in hallways, staircases, and common areas. Students will not be allowed to congregate around water fountains, bathrooms, or common areas while in buildings.


  • Students requiring breakfast will be served breakfast between 7:15 and 7:30. Students choosing to eat breakfast on campus will be allowed to eat at tables set up in the commons or under the tents located in the main courtyard. Students will be required to maintain a physical distance of six feet while eating whether they are in the commons or outside. Prior to, and immediately after eating students are required to put their mask on.

  • Students will be served lunch and will eat lunch in the commons or under tents located in the main courtyard. Students will be required to maintain a physical distance of six feet while eating whether they are in the commons or outside. Prior to, and immediately after eating students are required to put their mask on.


  • Staying home when sick with COVID-19 is essential to keep COVID-19 infections out of school and prevent spread to others. Students and school personnel who have symptoms of infectious illness, such as flu or COVID-19 need to stay home and seek medical evaluation which may include testing for COVID-19 and other respiratory infections.

  • Students and school personnel will not be required to fill out the Skyward wellness check or have a temperature check before entering the building.

  • Doors will open at 7:15.

  • Students will go straight to their first class of the day or pick up breakfast. (If picking up breakfast students will follow the “Breakfast/Lunch” protocols)

  • Students who choose to stay outside the building upon arrival need to maintain a physical distancing of six feet.

  • Students will enter the building through the Main Entrance or the Bus Entrance only.


  • Physical distancing of three (3) feet will be attempted between students in classroom settings to the degree possible and reasonable that allows for full time, in person learning for all students. To allow for full time, in person learning many classrooms will use strategies such as masking, ventilation and cleaning when it is not possible to achieve full physical distancing within a classroom environment.

  • Seating charts will be required.

  • Students will not be allowed to move around the classrooms.

  • If necessary, group work among students will be allowed but the groups will be limited to no more than four students. Student groups will be documented for contact tracing requirements.

  • No food will be allowed in the classroom unless there is medical/health need (directed by the school nurse).

  • Students may lower their masks to drink water, but then must replace the mask immediately after drinking water.

  • Teachers will dismiss students at the bell in an order that allows for social distancing when leaving the classroom.

  • Students will clean their desk/area before leaving the classroom.

Common Areas:

  • Physical distancing of six (6) feet will be attempted between students and school personnel when in common areas to the degree possible and reasonable that allows for full time, in person learning for all students. Traffic patterns will be established allowing for one way movement in hallways, staircases, and common areas. Students will not be allowed to congregate around water fountains, bathrooms, or common areas while in buildings.


  • Students may use the restrooms during passing periods or class. If all the facilities are in use students are required to wait outside the restroom until one is not in use.

Dismissal (end of school day):

  • Students will not be allowed to stay in the building or to congregate on campus at the end of the school day.

  • Students participating in after school activities will be required to go directly to the field, classroom or location of their activities.

  • Students in classrooms on the first floor will be released when the final bell rings, while students on the second floor will be released three (3) minutes later.


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