Register now for spring sports!
In order to participate in the WIAA Spring Sports season (Boys Baseball, Girls Softball, Boys Soccer, Girls Golf, Girls & Boys Track & Field), all online paperwork must be completed by Thursday, February 27th to be eligible for the first practices on Monday, March 3. Registration is done online through Final Forms. See instructions on Final Forms below.
To make a payment for the participation fee please follow this link to eFunds: e~Funds for Schools. You will find this fee listed under "Optional Fees". Please note that all student fees will also need to be paid in full by August 19th for eligibility.
Feel free to contact Jason or Kayley with any questions regarding eligibility, or Shelly with any questions regarding payments through eFunds. Contact information is below.
Registration for sports must be completed by both parent and athlete. Athletes must have a valid physical on file with the athletic department, ALL online electronic forms submitted, sports participation fee and all fines paid. Your information is saved from season-to-season and year-to-year, making the registration process quick and easy. You may also register for multiple seasons at the same time. You will be required to sign your forms once per year and after any update.
The following checklist is provided to assist student/athletes in meeting the requirements to participate in any activity:
Register online through Final Forms
Completed Physical Examination Form on file with the Athletic Department
Physical paperwork is valid for two years from the date of examination and must be valid for the duration of the entire sport season.
Purchased ASB Card ($50) (all fees can be paid via eFunds)
Paid Participation Fee ($150) per sport, 2 season max
All class fees and outstanding fines MUST be cleared prior to eligibility
To apply for sports participation fee waiver please complete both the Request for Fee Assistance form and Free/Reduce Meals form which can be obtained online at the Riverview District website.
Final Form Instructions
You will need the following information to allow for accurate completion of your online registration:
Basic Medical History & Health Information
Insurance Company & Policy Number
Doctor & Dentist Contact Information
Hospital Preference
Registering a Student
Visit Final Forms
Click LOGIN under the Parent icon.
Select the sports for which you would like to register. Your selection can be changed at any time prior to the registration deadline.
Complete each form and sign your full name in the Parent Signature field at the bottom of the page. After signing a form, click SUBMIT FORM and move on to the next form.
You will see a “Forms Finished” message when all forms are complete.
If required, an email will automatically be sent to your student, prompting them to complete the forms requiring their signature.
Click MY STUDENTS when you are done. Repeat steps 3 - 6 for additional students.
If you need to update your information, click the UPDATE FORMS button.
Medical insurance is required to participate in high school athletics.
If you do not have medical insurance, we provide information regarding student accident and health insurance coverage administered by Myers-Stevens & Toohey, Inc. Coverage is available for:
Interscholastic Tackle Football
School-Time Accident Plan
Full-Time 24/7 Accident Plan
Accident & Sickness Plan
Dental Accident Plan
These low cost plans are used by many school districts across the state. Although they are not the only provider of this type of coverage, they have been recommended by our Washington Schools Risk Management Pool.
If you are not registered as a Cedarcrest High School student yet: Parent(s) can create an account and enter everything about their child except their RSD e-mail at this time, because they are not yet registered. Next, email Jason and Kayley your child’s first and last name and their personal e-mail. Once you e-mail this information, they can override your student's information and then they will have access to Final Forms and can complete the paperwork. Once an RSD email account is issued, parent(s) can go back into Final Forms and update their child’s email from personal to an RSD e-mail.
Students Who Do Not Attend Full-Time
Students are required to complete a WIAA contract if they do not attend the school full-time.
Running Start
If you are enrolled in Running Start, complete the Running Start and WIAA Eligibility contract PDF download, print your class schedule and return to the Athletic office.
Off-Campus Classes
If you are enrolled in any off-campus classes, complete the Alternative Education and WIAA Eligibility contract PDF download, print your class schedule and return to the Athletic office.
Homeschool Students
If you are homeschooled, complete the Home Based Education and WIAA Eligibility contract PDF download, print your class schedule and return to the Athletic office.
Grade checks are run throughout each sports season. Please provide a copy of previous semester and most recent quarter grades. Failure to provide grades may make you ineligible for competition.
If you attend any other school for ANY classes, you must provide the Athletic office with your grades from that school.
All of the above items must be completed and submitted to the Athletic Department by the above DUE DATES to be eligible for first turn-out.
If you have any questions or problems, please contact Athletic Director Jason Frederick at 425.844.4809 or frederickj@rsd407.org or Athletic Secretary Kayley Billington at 425.844.4886 or billingtonk@rsd407.org. For eFunds, contact Shelly Campbell, ASB Bookkeeper, at campbells@rsd407.org or 425.844.4805.
Fall Sports
Boys Golf
Cross Country
Winter Sports
Spring Sports
Athletic Trainer