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School Departments

Special Education

Students who have been identified with a range of learning disabilities can have their needs met within a variety of programs at Cedarcrest. Depending on the disability or handicapping situation, there are self-contained, limited self-contained, and fully-integrated programs.  Because the need of each student is unique to the environment that can best suit them, students will be recommended for the program through their Individual Education Plan, parent input, and teacher recommendation.

Student Services


A variety of support services are available to students who have specific learning needs. To learn more about these programs and services, talk with the school counselor, the principal, or contact Student Services at 425-844-4516.


Counseling: Each elementary school has a half-time counselor; the secondary schools each have two full-time counselors. Counseling services include personal/social needs, academic guidance and career planning. Partnerships with community mental health agencies also assist in providing services to students. 


ECEAP (Early Childhood Education Assistance Program): ECEAP is a state funded pre-school program for four-year olds from low income families. This program provides an enriched preschool environment, one family-style meal, family support services, and health monitoring for the enrolled students. ECEAP is located in the Stepping Stone building next to Carnation Elementary.


Early Entrance: Parents desiring to enroll a child in school before they are age eligible may apply to the principal by May 15 for an early entrance waiver. These students are screened and evaluated to ensure that they have the necessary skills prior to entrance. A fee is charged for an evaluation. 


ELL (English Language Learners): This program provides assistance for students K-12 whose home language is not English and where the student qualifies based on an English language assessment. The focus in this program is to gain English language skill. 


Highly Capable: Program for the Academically Talented (PAT) addresses the needs of the elementary students in the top three percentile academically. Cluster programs are available at the elementary schools, and district-wide full-day classes are offered at Carnation Elementary. The middle school offers honors opportunities; the high school offers honors and Advanced Placement classes, as well as the opportunity to participate in Running Start. 

Homeless: The district follows the federal McKinney-Vento Act to ensure that students identified as homeless are enrolled in school and receive the appropriate support. School office staff can answer questions, or the district homeless liaison can be contacted at 425.844.4515.

LAP (Learning Assistance Program): LAP is a state funded program for students struggling in basic skills such as reading and math. For 11th and 12th graders, LAP can provide support for students at risk of not graduating. The level of funding received from the state determines the schools with LAP programs, and each site determines the skill areas to address for students. 

Section 504: Students with disabilities that substantially impact learning may be eligible for related services and accommodations. A parent may request an evaluation to determine if their child is eligible.

Special Education: Special Education serves eligible students ages 3-21 with identified disabilities and needing specialized instruction as outlined in an Individualized Education Plan (IEP). If a disability is suspected to have an adverse impact on educational progress, an evaluation can be requested. 

Special Education Childfind: Evaluations are provided at no cost to students suspected of having a developmental delay (ages 3-8) or are suspected to have a disability impacting learning. A parent suspecting a disability for their child can request in writing an evaluation. The district also supports the evaluation process and services for children from birth to age three in a partnership with Encompass of North Bend. To request an evaluation, call 425.844.4516. 

Title I: Title I is a federally funded program for students struggling in basic skills such as reading and math. The level of funding received from the federal government determines the schools with Title I programs, and each site determines the skill areas to address for students.

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