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Freshmen Orientation

FRESHMEN ORIENTATION! "Class of 2026" Who: All 9th Grade students Where: Cedarcrest High School When: Friday September 2, 2022 8:00am - 12:00pm Why: A positive transition to high school! Students are to report directly to the gym! Program starts at 8:00am and ends at 12:00pm Hot dog lunch will be served (11:30am - 12:00pm) at the Cedarcrest Stadium

  • Kick-off assembly full of ideas and information to promote high school success.

  • Meet counselors, administrators, teachers, classmates and PACK Leaders. CHS seniors and juniors will be serving as leaders and mentors to the 9th grade students.

  • Pick-up your schedule

  • Tour your school

  • Find out about clubs, sports, activities at CHS

 This orientation is intended for freshmen students. Parents can drop off their student and then pay their students fees through eFunds at their convenience. Fees that can be paid include:

  • ASB Card $50 (optional) - ASB cards provide discounts at sporting events, plays, dances and are required when playing sports. Students who purchase an ASB card will receive a CHS t-shirt during the first week of school. You will be asked to provide your student's t-shirt size during purchase.

  • Class fees

  • Any other non-class fees such as drill/cheer uniforms, family athletic passes, club dues, etc.

  • Yearbook $55 (optional) with prices increasing to $70 on February 1st.

  • 2022-2023 Student Fees - Check here to see if your student will have any class fees after you see their schedules.

What our School Nurse needs prior to the start of school: Current immunizations in WA Immunization Database or current immunization paperwork. Student Health Concerns - Annual Update Form | Spanish Emergency/Individual Health Plan if needed – these are mailed over the summer by Nurse Candice Medical Authorization | Spanish (If requiring medications at school) Included in this mailing is a copy of the school year calendar to help in your planning. If there are any questions, please contact the school at 425-844-4800. Also, please refer to our Cedarcrest Website for current school information. Welcome to Cedarcrest, we are looking forward to our new additions to the Red Wolf family!


Ray LaBate Principal School Calendar 2022-2023 eFunds for Schools Pay student course fees, optional fees (participation fee, yearbook, ASB card, etc.) and add money to food service without waiting in line. Payments are posted immediately. Pay all your children's fees at one time regardless of what school they attend.

  • There are no fees for using a checking account and only a small convenience fee of $1 each time a credit card is used. Credit Cards have a $1000 limit per transaction.

  • Riverview School District has no access to the information you provide eFunds.

  • eFunds is affiliated with the Amalgamate Bank of Chicago and is held to all banking regulations.

  • Creating an account in eFunds is quick and easy especially if using the family ID number. The family ID number gives access to all students in the family at one time.

  • How to find your family ID number in Family Access: choose the Student Info tab, and look under View (students name) Family. The family ID number is located on the right hand side of the page.

  • You can call the school or the district office to obtain your family ID number if you don't have access to Family Access.

Log in directly to eFunds


OR Make a payment from Family Access

  • Select the Fee Management tab on the left hand side of the screen. Next to your students name choose Make A Payment, you will be connected to the eFunds for Schools webpage.

CELL PHONE POLICY Being focused and mentally present in class is important for an authentic and engaging learning experience. Following the REDD Way requires connecting with the curriculum and being present and willing to learn. We can do this by limiting cell phone use and distractions during class time.

  • Students will be required to store their cell phones in the cell phone pouches and/or charging stations that are equipped in each classroom.

  • Cell phones will remain in the pouches for the duration of a class period with the exception of specific teacher direction.

  • Cell phones are not allowed out of the classroom when students leave during the period for purposes of restroom breaks, water breaks, etc.

Violations of this policy will result in the following: 1st Minor: Verbal warning (request to put phone back in pouch) and filling out a SWIS referral form. 2nd Minor: One-on-one conversation about the policy and filling out a SWIS referral form. Teacher will also email guardian. 3rd Minor: Fill out a SWIS referral form. Send student to Administration office. Teacher will call guardian by end of the day. One-on-one conversation with Admin about the policy. 4th Major: Fill out a SWIS referral form. Send student to office. Student will receive an after-school detention (40 minutes) and guardian will be contacted. 5th Major: Fill out a SWIS referral form. Send student to office. Student will receive a Friday after-school detention (2 hours) and an in-person meeting with guardian. A student who reaches the 6th major will receive one day In School Suspension and an in-person meeting with guardians regarding proper use of a phone during class time by their student. Attendance Policy Highlights Complete Attendance Policy can be found in the Student Handbook and in the School Board Policy.

  • Students who are more than 10 minutes late to class are considered absent. Students are required to sign in an out at the Attendance Office. Failure to do so, will result in an unexcused absence for that period.

  • State school law requires a verification of all absences. Such verification will be in written form or by telephone and presented to the Attendance Office upon the student's return to school.

  • Parents are requested to contact the attendance office on the day their student is absent from school. After 48 hours, absences are considered unexcused.

  • Attendance concern letters will be mailed home following the fifth and seventh absences, includes an attendance contract.

  • Early dismissals and pre-arranged absences must be arranged and paperwork handed into the Attendance Office PRIOR to the absence.

  • LEAVING CAMPUS WITHOUT PRIOR PERMISSION WILL NOT BE EXCUSED. This includes ALL students who do not sign in/out. Detention, In-School-Suspension and Out-of-School Suspension are consequences given to students who leave campus without permission. THREE SIMPLE WAYS TO REPORT ABSENCES:

  1. PHONE - call the Attendance Office at 425-844-4806. Please leave a message if no one answers, the phone rings all day long.

  2. EMAIL - please email to report your student's absence. You can also email for a bus pass, early dismissal or late arrival.

  3. FAMILY ACCESS - you can submit your student's absence through Family Access under Attendance.


  • When sending an email or leaving a phone message, please leave the following information: Student's first and last name, the reason they are absent and their most prominent symptom (ie. fever, cough, vomiting, etc.)

  • If your student is absent due to a doctor or dentist appointment, it is recommended that you get a note before you leave the office stating that your student was seen that day. Your student can drop the doctor's note off in the attendance office. These notes will be put in your student's file in the Attendance Office. If for any reason your child has to appeal your doctor's notes can be accessed quickly to add to your appeal letter.

TARDY POLICY Being on time is a life skill that is the basis for an authentic and engaging learning experience. Following the REDD Way requires being in the classroom ready for class when the tardy bell sounds. A tardy report will be generated each week:

  • A student who reaches the 3rd tardy will receive a written warning.

  • A student who reaches the 5th tardy will conference with an administrator and guardian will be contacted.

  • A student who reaches the 6th tardy will receive an after-school detention (40 minutes) and guardian will be contacted.

  • A student who reaches the 7th tardy will receive a Friday after-school detention (2 hours) and an in-person meeting with guardian.

  • A student who reaches the 8th tardy will receive one day In School Suspension and an in-person meeting with guardians, including an attendance contract outlining steps dealing with future tardy issues.

2022 - 2023 Dress Code IMPORTANT READING BEFORE SCHOOL SHOPPING! Everyone would agree that we have great kids at Cedarcrest High School and we are very proud of them! It is typical for students to push the limits of our dress code. As a result we would like to share some specifics to the code, and would like the help of parents to make sure that their student is making good choices when they go school shopping for clothing. The code as it will appear in the student handbook is below. CHS Dress Code As a center of work and learning we need to dress appropriately and safely. Following the REDD Way requires honoring other’s opinions/individuality, being appropriately dressed and avoiding distractions during class time. Students are expected to dress in a manner that is not disruptive to the educational environment nor that may threaten the health and safety of the student or others. Specific examples of inappropriate school attire are, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Health or safety hazard will be presented by the student's dress or appearance including possible membership in a gang or hate groups;

  • Damage to school property will result from the student's dress.

  • A material and substantial disruption of the educational process will result from the students' dress or appearance.

  • For the purpose of this policy, a material and substantial disruption of the educational process may be found to exist when a student's conduct is inconsistent with any part of the educational mission of the school district. Prohibited conduct includes apparel that displays lewd, sexual, drug, tobacco, alcohol-related messages, or gang-related apparel.


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