Hello Parents!
Virtual Parent-Teacher conferences are coming up on October 27th and the 29th. The times when teachers will be available are on:
• Wednesday October 27th from 4:00 to 7:00PM
• Friday October 29th from 1:00 to 2:30PM
You will be able to schedule meetings with your students teachers using the booking tool which is accessible at this site:
Some important information:
• When you begin booking, you will need a copy of your students schedule with teachers names or just a list of their teachers names. Student schedules are available on Skyward Family Access.
• On the booking tool, you will be prompted to select a teacher from the drop down menu. I apologize in advance, as the list is not in alphabetical order. The tool did not allow us to set it up any other way than in a random order. So you will need to scroll the list to find each of your students teachers that you feel you need to talk with.
• You will be able to select to either receive a phone call from the teacher (provide your phone number) or you can choose to have an online meeting using Microsoft Teams in a web browser. You do not need an account to have an online meeting. You will receive an email with a link to the Teams meeting.
• You will need to repeat the booking process for each teacher you need to talk with, reserving a time for each.
• Each meeting slot is 10 minutes with a 5 minute buffer between times. If 10 minutes proves too short for an update of how your student is doing, you can set up an additional meeting time with the teacher during your conference or by contacting them after conferences via email or phone.
• Please be ready at the time you select, as the teacher will reach out to you via phone or connect online via the email link.
Important Note:
The end of the first quarter of the 2021-22 school year is November 4th. The quarter grades are actually a progress report, they do not go on the students permanent transcript. Only semester grades go on a students transcript. That said, students need to be working hard to stay caught up, so that they don't fall so far behind that it affects their semester grades. Again, semester grades are permanent and are the grades calculated in the grade point average.
We hope you are able to participate in our Virtual Parent-Teacher conferences!
